Chocolate Chip Meringue Cookies
2 egg whites
1 TS pure vanilla
1/2 C sugar
1/8 TS salt
1/2 C mini chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside. In a large, clean, and dry bowl whisk together the egg whites, vanilla, and salt until stiff but not dry. Beat in the sugar until stiff and satiny. Fold in the chocolate chips, gently. Insert mixture into piping bag fitted with a star or round tip, and pipe onto lined baking sheet. Bake for 30 minutes. Take off of parchment paper and cool completely. Store in an airtight container.
Practice makes perfect,so I'm going to keep on trying until I can get these to not look like turds, haha.

I certainly won't be forgetting my first time any time soon!
P.S The little things in life amuse me, they should amuse you too! I stopped while beating my egg mixture and sugar together. This is what I saw!!!

my daughter and I just recently discovered the yummy-ness of meringue. I made one big sheet of it and cut it up into pieces.