Seriously, look at those babies. Just waiting for you to pick one up and shove in your face.. These are super easy to make, and you can use anything as the liquid in here - coffee, mocha cappuccino (like I did), milk, chocolate milk, strawberry milk, WHATEVER. It's an awesome basic muffin recipe you can just tweak to your liking. I love those kind of recipes!
Mocha Toffee Muffins
2 C flour
1/2 C sugar
1 TB baking powder
1/2 TS salt
1 C mocha cappuccino, chilled
1 TS pure vanilla
1 egg, lightly beaten
4 oz butter, melted
Toffee bits
Prehead oven to 400 degrees. Place paper liners in a muffin pan, or spray tins with cooking spray and set aside. Combine flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder. Melt the butter, let cool slightly but do not let it start to solidify. In another large bowl, beat the egg. Add the vanilla and chilled mocha cappuccino. Mix in the melted butter to the egg mixture, whisking constantly. Add liquid mixture to dry mixture. Mix until dry mixture is fully moist, but not to where all the lumps are out. It will be lumpy, so relax and just go with it!

Fill tins, sprinkle with toffee bits, and bake for 15-20 minutes. Cool on wire rack and enjoy!!
This recipe makes 12 big ol' beautiful muffins. They too were gone when I took them down to the shop... Guess I'm doing something right huh?!

The toffee crunch on top is so amazing, I really was at a loss for words when I tried one. You won't know unless you see for yourself. So get in the kitchen and make some happiness!
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