Thursday, January 17, 2013

Pyrex: Gifted & Found.

The Pyrex gods have certainly been good to me since moving back to the east coast. Thank goodness, since giving it all away broke my little heart.  I have been lucky to find great friends since moving back also. I am so grateful for all the wonderful people in my life. I'm also grateful that they know me so well and for my birthday and Xmas they gifted me some of the best things, such as Pyrex! I don't ever expect things, so when I do get sweet prezzies,  I always get a little teary that they think of me, and that(as I said before) know me well enough to get things I'd actually get myself. Yay for amazing friends. Now to the Pyrex..

Picked this little pretty up at a local antique store before work Love the black flowers!

Gifts from my lovely friends.

Fun finds while out with Molly

Another amazing find from Molly

Found at Goodwill.. Score! 

Also found this at Goodwill with the black snowflakes, double score!

The majority of my Pyrex. Not pictures are mugs I have boxes up, and my store n see's.. Some bowls I use for food storage too.

Happy Pyrex hunting friends.

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